Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Results Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Results Winner:
pavsec5row10 23/27
Week 8:
Results Winner:
sluggermatt15 22/25
Week 9:
Results Winner: @hodor 27/32
Week 10:
Results Winner:
NubesPila 27/28
Week 11:
Leading Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 215 210-51
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
213 213-48
vbfamily 212 207-54 @hodor (Week 9 winner)
212 207-54
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
211 211-50
orangeknight 211 211-50
trainermch 210 205-56
NubesPila (Week 10 winner)
210 205-56
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
209 209-52
Kingsley 209 209-52
vbcoach06 208 208-53
simpleton 208 208-53
vbprisoner 207 202-59
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
207 207-54
redcard🏐 207 207-54
utexrulz23 206 206-55
rnbarnes 205 205-56 @avid
204 204-57
bigfan 204 204-57
greenpier 204 199-62
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
204 204-57
UofIlliniVBFan 203 203-58
llwambat 203 203-58
vballfreak808 202 202-59
ilikecorn 202 202-59
teriheck3778 201 201-60
dragon2owl 201 201-60
nuvbisno1 201 201-60
smb4 201 201-60
vballfan17 200 200-61
smartpatrol 200 200-61
thelat 199 199-62
bprtbone 199 199-62
Gladys Kravitz 199 199-62
vup 198 198-63
vbsam16 197 197-64
coloradokidd 197 197-64
Fight On! 197 197-64
oldmanred 196 196-65
eazy 196 196-65
HappyVolley 196 196-65
JT 195 195-66
newfoundballer15 195 195-66
treblejig 194 194-67
hornshouse23 193 193-68
harryspotter 190 190-71
coahc21 188 188-73
maplespear 184 184-49
dillanbe 183 183-50
bayarea 183 183-56
cindra 179 179-54
carsonvega 179 179-82
willcmwb 171 171-67
ned3vball 171 166-52
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
168 168-65
cyfan1965 168 168-65
ZenScout 164 164-45
b1gnetwerth 160 160-47 @ruffda
159 159-74
photos1 157 157-44
krha 157 152-55
sluggermatt15 155 155-50
justintime2006 149 149-58
volleyboy12 145 145-62 @eastsidepride
140 135-44
baytree (Week 5 winner)
133 133-47
SmokeDogg 130 130-46
mhvolley6 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 125 125-61
odinaka 114 114-37
rainbowbadger 114 114-28 @thedarkhorse
98 98-31
hoosierman 95 95-31
gopherhim 93 93-36
catscratch 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-21
vballvball 78 78-25
beachindoor 62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 51 51-24
gatorbob 43 43-17
shoya 41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 36 36-6
haw2991 24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 22 22-10
vergyltantor 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
16 16-4
coconutcandles 16 16-14
pin2pin Highest % with at least 60% (Rounded up) participation 261 81.6% 213 213-48
vbfamily 261 80.8% 211 211-50
orangeknight 261 80.8% 211 211-50
trainermch 261 80.5% 215 210-51
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
261 80.1% 209 209-52
Kingsley 261 80.1% 209 209-52
vbcoach06 261 79.7% 208 208-53
simpleton 261 79.7% 208 208-53
vbprisoner 261 79.3% 212 207-54 @hodor (Week 9 winner)
261 79.3% 207 207-54
redcard🏐 261 79.3% 207 207-54
utexrulz23 261 79.3% 212 207-54
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
233 79.0% 184 184-49
dillanbe 261 78.9% 206 206-55
rnbarnes 261 78.5% 205 205-56 @avid
261 78.5% 210 205-56
NubesPila (Week 10 winner)
261 78.5% 210 205-56
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
233 78.5% 183 183-50
bayarea 209 78.5% 164 164-45
b1gnetwerth 261 78.2% 204 204-57
bigfan 261 78.2% 204 204-57
greenpier 261 78.2% 204 204-57
UofIlliniVBFan 201 78.1% 157 157-44
krha 261 77.8% 203 203-58
llwambat 261 77.8% 203 203-58
vballfreak808 261 77.4% 207 202-59
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
261 77.4% 202 202-59
ilikecorn 261 77.4% 202 202-59
teriheck3778 207 77.3% 160 160-47 @ruffda
261 77.0% 201 201-60
dragon2owl 261 77.0% 201 201-60
nuvbisno1 261 77.0% 201 201-60
smb4 261 77.0% 201 201-60
vballfan17 233 76.8% 179 179-54
carsonvega 261 76.6% 200 200-61
smartpatrol 261 76.6% 200 200-61
thelat 239 76.6% 183 183-56
cindra 261 76.2% 199 199-62
bprtbone 261 76.2% 199 199-62
Gladys Kravitz 261 76.2% 204 199-62
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
261 76.2% 199 199-62
vup 218 76.1% 171 166-52
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
261 75.9% 198 198-63
vbsam16 205 75.6% 155 155-50
justintime2006 261 75.5% 197 197-64
coloradokidd 261 75.5% 197 197-64
Fight On! 261 75.5% 197 197-64
oldmanred 179 75.4% 140 135-44
baytree (Week 5 winner)
261 75.1% 196 196-65
eazy 261 75.1% 196 196-65
HappyVolley 261 75.1% 196 196-65
JT 261 74.7% 195 195-66
newfoundballer15 261 74.7% 195 195-66
treblejig 261 74.3% 194 194-67
hornshouse23 261 73.9% 193 193-68
harryspotter 180 73.9% 133 133-47
SmokeDogg 176 73.9% 130 130-46
mhvolley6 207 73.4% 157 152-55
sluggermatt15 261 72.8% 190 190-71
coahc21 233 72.1% 168 168-65
cyfan1965 233 72.1% 168 168-65
ZenScout 261 72.0% 188 188-73
maplespear 207 72.0% 149 149-58
volleyboy12 238 71.8% 171 171-67
ned3vball 176 71.6% 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 207 70.0% 145 145-62 @eastsidepride
261 68.6% 179 179-82
willcmwb 233 68.2% 159 159-74
photos1 186 67.2% 125 125-61
odinaka 149 73.2% 109 109-40
maplespear 149 71.1% 106 106-43
coahc21 149 69.8% 104 104-45
willcmwb 149 68.5% 102 102-47
photos1 95 66.3% 63 63-32 @eastsidepride
99 63.6% 63 63-36
odinaka Cumulative Poll Scores 81.6% 239 195-44 VT Poll
80.9% 236 191-45 AVCA Poll
80.1% 261 209-52 VT Contestants
77.9% 122 95-27 Pablo
69.4% 85 59-26 RPI
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Results Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Results Winner:
pavsec5row10 23/27
Week 8:
Results Winner:
sluggermatt15 22/25
Week 9:
Results Winner: @hodor 27/32
Week 10:
Week 11:
Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 190 185-48
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
188 188-45
vbfamily 187 182-51
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
186 181-52 @hodor (Week 9 winner)
185 180-53
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
185 185-48
trainermch 184 184-49
Kingsley 184 184-49
orangeknight 184 179-54
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
184 184-49
simpleton 184 184-49
vbcoach06 183 183-50
redcard🏐 183 183-50
rnbarnes 182 182-51
vbprisoner 181 181-52 @avid
181 181-52
llwambat 181 181-52
utexrulz23 180 180-53
dragon2owl 180 175-58
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
180 180-53
teriheck3778 180 180-53
vballfreak808 179 179-54
bigfan 179 179-54
greenpier 179 179-54
UofIlliniVBFan 178 178-55
ilikecorn 178 178-55
NubesPila 178 178-55
smartpatrol 177 177-56
smb4 177 177-56
thelat 177 177-56
vballfan17 176 176-57
nuvbisno1 175 175-58
oldmanred 175 175-58
vbsam16 175 175-58
vup 174 174-59
bprtbone 174 174-59
Gladys Kravitz 174 174-59
HappyVolley 173 173-60
eazy 173 173-60
treblejig 172 172-61
coloradokidd 171 171-62
Fight On! 171 171-62
harryspotter 171 171-62
JT 171 171-62
newfoundballer15 169 169-64
coahc21 169 169-64
hornshouse23 168 168-65
ZenScout 167 167-66
maplespear 159 159-46
bayarea 159 159-52
cindra 159 159-74
photos1 158 158-47
dillanbe 157 157-44
krha 155 155-50
carsonvega 155 155-50
justintime2006 155 155-78
willcmwb 149 149-61
ned3vball 148 148-57
cyfan1965 146 141-49
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
140 135-44
baytree (Week 5 winner)
139 139-42
b1gnetwerth 136 136-43 @ruffda
134 129-50
sluggermatt15 133 133-47
SmokeDogg 130 130-46
mhvolley6 129 129-50
volleyboy12 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 121 121-58 @eastsidepride
104 104-54
odinaka 98 98-31
hoosierman 95 95-31
gopherhim 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 89 89-25 @thedarkhorse
86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-21
vballvball 78 78-25
beachindoor 72 72-29
catscratch 62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 51 51-24
gatorbob 41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 36 36-6
haw2991 24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 22 22-10
shoya 22 22-10
vergyltantor 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
16 16-4
coconutcandles 16 16-14
pin2pin Highest % with at least 60% (Rounded up) participation 233 80.7% 188 188-45
vbfamily 233 79.4% 190 185-48
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
233 79.4% 185 185-48
trainermch 233 79.0% 184 184-49
Kingsley 233 79.0% 184 184-49
orangeknight 233 79.0% 184 184-49
simpleton 233 79.0% 184 184-49
vbcoach06 233 78.5% 183 183-50
redcard🏐 233 78.5% 183 183-50
rnbarnes 233 78.1% 182 182-51
vbprisoner 233 78.1% 187 182-51
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
201 78.1% 157 157-44
krha 233 77.7% 181 181-52 @avid
233 77.7% 186 181-52 @hodor (Week 9 winner)
233 77.7% 181 181-52
llwambat 233 77.7% 181 181-52
utexrulz23 205 77.6% 159 159-46
bayarea 233 77.3% 185 180-53
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
233 77.3% 180 180-53
dragon2owl 233 77.3% 180 180-53
teriheck3778 233 77.3% 180 180-53
vballfreak808 205 77.1% 158 158-47
dillanbe 233 76.8% 179 179-54
bigfan 233 76.8% 179 179-54
greenpier 233 76.8% 184 179-54
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
233 76.8% 179 179-54
UofIlliniVBFan 181 76.8% 139 139-42
b1gnetwerth 233 76.4% 178 178-55
ilikecorn 233 76.4% 178 178-55
NubesPila 233 76.4% 178 178-55
smartpatrol 179 76.0% 136 136-43 @ruffda
233 76.0% 177 177-56
smb4 233 76.0% 177 177-56
thelat 233 76.0% 177 177-56
vballfan17 205 75.6% 155 155-50
carsonvega 205 75.6% 155 155-50
justintime2006 233 75.5% 176 176-57
nuvbisno1 179 75.4% 140 135-44
baytree (Week 5 winner)
211 75.4% 159 159-52
cindra 233 75.1% 180 175-58
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
233 75.1% 175 175-58
oldmanred 233 75.1% 175 175-58
vbsam16 233 75.1% 175 175-58
vup 233 74.7% 174 174-59
bprtbone 233 74.7% 174 174-59
Gladys Kravitz 233 74.7% 174 174-59
HappyVolley 233 74.2% 173 173-60
eazy 233 74.2% 173 173-60
treblejig 190 74.2% 146 141-49
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
180 73.9% 133 133-47
SmokeDogg 176 73.9% 130 130-46
mhvolley6 233 73.8% 172 172-61
coloradokidd 233 73.4% 171 171-62
Fight On! 233 73.4% 171 171-62
harryspotter 233 73.4% 171 171-62
JT 233 73.4% 171 171-62
newfoundballer15 233 72.5% 169 169-64
coahc21 233 72.5% 169 169-64
hornshouse23 205 72.2% 148 148-57
cyfan1965 233 72.1% 168 168-65
ZenScout 179 72.1% 134 129-50
sluggermatt15 179 72.1% 129 129-50
volleyboy12 233 71.7% 167 167-66
maplespear 176 71.6% 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 210 71.0% 149 149-61
ned3vball 233 68.2% 159 159-74
photos1 179 67.6% 121 121-58 @eastsidepride
233 66.5% 155 155-78
willcmwb 158 65.8% 104 104-54
odinaka Cumulative Poll Scores 81.0% 211 171-40 VT Poll
80.3% 208 167-41 AVCA Poll
78.5% 233 183-50 VT Contestants
74.7% 95 71-24 Pablo
66.7% 57 38-19 RPI
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Results Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Results Winner:
pavsec5row10 23/27
Week 8:
Results Winner:
sluggermatt15 22/25
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Leading Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 166 161-40
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
163 158-43
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
163 163-38
trainermch 163 158-43
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
162 157-44
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
162 162-39
vbfamily 161 161-40
vbcoach06 160 160-41
llwambat 160 160-41
orangeknight 160 160-41
rnbarnes 159 154-47
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
159 159-42
simpleton 159 159-42
utexrulz23 158 158-43
bigfan 158 158-43
Kingsley 158 158-43
redcard🏐 158 158-43
teriheck3778 158 158-43
UofIlliniVBFan 158 158-43
vbprisoner 157 157-44
dragon2owl 157 157-44
krha 156 156-45 @avid
156 156-45
vballfreak808 155 155-46
NubesPila 155 155-46
smartpatrol 154 154-47
greenpier 154 154-47 @hodor
154 154-47
thelat 154 154-47
treblejig 153 153-48
Gladys Kravitz 153 153-48
ilikecorn 153 153-48
nuvbisno1 153 153-48
vballfan17 152 152-49
newfoundballer15 152 152-49
oldmanred 152 152-49
vbsam16 152 152-49
ZenScout 151 151-50
bprtbone 151 151-50
Fight On! 151 151-50
HappyVolley 151 151-50
JT 151 151-50
smb4 150 150-51
coloradokidd 150 150-51
eazy 150 150-51
vup 146 146-55
coahc21 144 144-57
maplespear 143 143-58
hornshouse23 140 140-61
photos1 139 139-42
b1gnetwerth 136 136-43
cindra 135 135-38
bayarea 135 135-38
dillanbe 135 135-66
willcmwb 132 132-41
justintime2006 131 131-42
carsonvega 130 130-46
mhvolley6 129 129-47
harryspotter 129 129-50
volleyboy12 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 126 126-47
cyfan1965 126 121-37
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
125 125-53
ned3vball 118 113-34
baytree (Week 5 winner)
114 109-38
sluggermatt15 (Week 8 winner)
113 113-34 @ruffda
111 111-37
SmokeDogg 98 98-49 @eastsidepride
98 98-31
hoosierman 95 95-31
gopherhim 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-21
vballvball 85 85-41
odinaka 78 78-25
beachindoor 64 64-18 @thedarkhorse
62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 51 51-24
gatorbob 50 50-19
catscratch 41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 36 36-6
haw2991 24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
16 16-4
coconutcandles 16 16-14
pin2pin Highest % with at least 60% (Rounded up) participation 201 81.1% 163 163-38
trainermch 201 80.6% 162 162-39
vbfamily 201 80.1% 166 161-40
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
201 80.1% 161 161-40
vbcoach06 201 79.6% 160 160-41
llwambat 201 79.6% 160 160-41
orangeknight 201 79.6% 160 160-41
rnbarnes 201 79.1% 159 159-42
simpleton 201 79.1% 159 159-42
utexrulz23 201 78.6% 158 158-43
bigfan 201 78.6% 158 158-43
Kingsley 201 78.6% 163 158-43
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
201 78.6% 158 158-43
redcard🏐 201 78.6% 158 158-43
teriheck3778 201 78.6% 158 158-43
UofIlliniVBFan 201 78.6% 158 158-43
vbprisoner 201 78.6% 163 158-43
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
201 78.1% 162 157-44
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
201 78.1% 157 157-44
dragon2owl 201 78.1% 157 157-44
krha 173 78.0% 135 135-38
bayarea 173 78.0% 135 135-38
dillanbe 201 77.6% 156 156-45 @avid
201 77.6% 156 156-45
vballfreak808 201 77.1% 155 155-46
NubesPila 201 77.1% 155 155-46
smartpatrol 147 76.9% 113 113-34 @ruffda
147 76.9% 118 113-34
baytree (Week 5 winner)
181 76.8% 139 139-42
b1gnetwerth 201 76.6% 154 154-47
greenpier 201 76.6% 154 154-47 @hodor
201 76.6% 159 154-47
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
201 76.6% 154 154-47
thelat 201 76.6% 154 154-47
treblejig 158 76.6% 126 121-37
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
173 76.3% 132 132-41
justintime2006 201 76.1% 153 153-48
Gladys Kravitz 201 76.1% 153 153-48
ilikecorn 201 76.1% 153 153-48
nuvbisno1 201 76.1% 153 153-48
vballfan17 179 76.0% 136 136-43
cindra 129 76.0% 98 98-31
hoosierman 173 75.7% 131 131-42
carsonvega 201 75.6% 152 152-49
newfoundballer15 201 75.6% 152 152-49
oldmanred 201 75.6% 152 152-49
vbsam16 201 75.6% 152 152-49
ZenScout 126 75.4% 95 95-31
gopherhim 201 75.1% 151 151-50
bprtbone 201 75.1% 151 151-50
Fight On! 201 75.1% 151 151-50
HappyVolley 201 75.1% 151 151-50
JT 201 75.1% 151 151-50
smb4 148 75.0% 111 111-37
SmokeDogg 123 74.8% 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 201 74.6% 150 150-51
coloradokidd 201 74.6% 150 150-51
eazy 201 74.6% 150 150-51
vup 147 74.1% 114 109-38
sluggermatt15 (Week 8 winner)
176 73.9% 130 130-46
mhvolley6 176 73.3% 129 129-47
harryspotter 173 72.8% 126 126-47
cyfan1965 201 72.6% 146 146-55
coahc21 179 72.1% 129 129-50
volleyboy12 201 71.6% 144 144-57
maplespear 176 71.6% 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 201 71.1% 143 143-58
hornshouse23 178 70.2% 125 125-53
ned3vball 201 69.7% 140 140-61
photos1 126 67.5% 85 85-41
odinaka 201 67.2% 135 135-66
willcmwb 147 66.7% 98 98-49 @eastsidepride
149 68.5% 102 102-47
photos1 95 66.3% 63 63-32 @eastsidepride
99 63.6% 63 63-36
odinaka Cumulative Poll Scores 81.8% 176 144-32 AVCA Poll
81.3% 182 148-34 VT Poll
78.6% 201 158-43 VT Contestants
74.2% 66 49-17 Pablo
72.0% 25 18-7 RPI
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Results Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Results Winner:
pavsec5row10 23/27
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Leading Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 146 141-35
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
145 140-36
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
144 139-37
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
143 138-38
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
143 143-33
simpleton 142 142-34
trainermch 142 142-34
vbcoach06 142 142-34
vbfamily 141 136-40
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
140 140-36
dragon2owl 140 140-36
rnbarnes 139 139-37
llwambat 139 139-37
orangeknight 139 139-37
utexrulz23 139 139-37
vbprisoner 138 138-38 @avid
138 138-38
UofIlliniVBFan 137 137-39
bigfan 137 137-39
Kingsley 137 137-39
krha 137 137-39
redcard🏐 137 137-39
teriheck3778 137 137-39
vballfreak808 136 136-40
greenpier 136 136-40
smartpatrol 135 135-41
Fight On! 135 135-41 @hodor
135 135-41
NubesPila 135 135-41
nuvbisno1 135 135-41
oldmanred 135 135-41
vballfan17 135 135-41
vbsam16 134 134-42
ilikecorn 134 134-42
smb4 134 134-42
thelat 134 134-42
ZenScout 133 133-43
bprtbone 133 133-43
Gladys Kravitz 133 133-43
treblejig 132 132-44
HappyVolley 132 132-44
newfoundballer15 130 130-46
coloradokidd 130 130-46
JT 130 130-46
mhvolley6 130 130-46
vup 129 129-47
eazy 129 129-47
harryspotter 127 127-49
hornshouse23 127 127-49
maplespear 126 126-50
coahc21 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 122 122-54
photos1 120 120-36
b1gnetwerth 119 119-35
cindra 117 117-59
willcmwb 116 116-32
dillanbe 116 116-32
bayarea 113 113-41
volleyboy12 113 113-35
carsonvega 113 113-35
justintime2006 111 111-37
SmokeDogg 109 109-44
ned3vball 108 103-30
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
105 105-43
cyfan1965 98 98-31
hoosierman 97 92-30
baytree (Week 5 winner)
95 95-31
gopherhim 93 93-29 @ruffda
92 92-31
rainbowbadger 87 87-35
sluggermatt15 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-21
vballvball 85 85-41
odinaka 80 80-42 @eastsidepride
78 78-25
beachindoor 62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 51 51-24
gatorbob 50 50-19
catscratch 45 45-12 @thedarkhorse
41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 36 36-6
haw2991 24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
16 16-14
pin2pin 16 16-4
coconutcandles Highest % with at least 60% (Rounded up) participation 176 81.3% 143 143-33
simpleton 176 80.7% 142 142-34
trainermch 176 80.7% 142 142-34
vbcoach06 176 80.7% 142 142-34
vbfamily 107 80.4% 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 107 80.4% 86 86-21
vballvball 176 80.1% 146 141-35
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
176 79.5% 140 140-36
dragon2owl 176 79.5% 145 140-36
pavsec5row10 (Week 7 winner)
176 79.5% 140 140-36
rnbarnes 176 79.0% 139 139-37
llwambat 176 79.0% 139 139-37
orangeknight 176 79.0% 139 139-37
utexrulz23 176 79.0% 139 139-37
vbprisoner 176 79.0% 144 139-37
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
176 78.4% 138 138-38 @avid
176 78.4% 143 138-38
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
176 78.4% 138 138-38
UofIlliniVBFan 148 78.4% 116 116-32
bayarea 148 78.4% 116 116-32
dillanbe 176 77.8% 137 137-39
bigfan 176 77.8% 137 137-39
Kingsley 176 77.8% 137 137-39
krha 176 77.8% 137 137-39
redcard🏐 176 77.8% 137 137-39
teriheck3778 176 77.8% 137 137-39
vballfreak808 133 77.4% 108 103-30
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
154 77.3% 119 119-35
cindra 176 77.3% 136 136-40
greenpier 176 77.3% 141 136-40
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
176 77.3% 136 136-40
smartpatrol 156 76.9% 120 120-36
b1gnetwerth 176 76.7% 135 135-41
Fight On! 176 76.7% 135 135-41 @hodor
176 76.7% 135 135-41
NubesPila 176 76.7% 135 135-41
nuvbisno1 176 76.7% 135 135-41
oldmanred 176 76.7% 135 135-41
vballfan17 176 76.7% 135 135-41
vbsam16 148 76.4% 113 113-35
carsonvega 148 76.4% 113 113-35
justintime2006 122 76.2% 93 93-29 @ruffda
176 76.1% 134 134-42
ilikecorn 176 76.1% 134 134-42
smb4 176 76.1% 134 134-42
thelat 176 76.1% 134 134-42
ZenScout 129 76.0% 98 98-31
hoosierman 176 75.6% 133 133-43
bprtbone 176 75.6% 133 133-43
Gladys Kravitz 176 75.6% 133 133-43
treblejig 122 75.4% 97 92-30
baytree (Week 5 winner)
126 75.4% 95 95-31
gopherhim 176 75.0% 132 132-44
HappyVolley 176 75.0% 132 132-44
newfoundballer15 148 75.0% 111 111-37
SmokeDogg 123 74.8% 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 176 73.9% 130 130-46
coloradokidd 176 73.9% 130 130-46
JT 176 73.9% 130 130-46
mhvolley6 176 73.9% 130 130-46
vup 154 73.4% 113 113-41
volleyboy12 176 73.3% 129 129-47
eazy 176 73.3% 129 129-47
harryspotter 176 72.2% 127 127-49
hornshouse23 176 72.2% 127 127-49
maplespear 176 71.6% 126 126-50
coahc21 176 71.6% 126 126-50
crosscourt3m 122 71.3% 87 87-35
sluggermatt15 153 71.2% 109 109-44
ned3vball 148 70.9% 105 105-43
cyfan1965 176 69.3% 122 122-54
photos1 126 67.5% 85 85-41
odinaka 176 66.5% 117 117-59
willcmwb 122 65.6% 80 80-42 @eastsidepride
Cumulative Poll Scores 81.8% 159 130-29 VT Poll
80.8% 156 126-30 AVCA Poll
78.4% 176 138-38 VT Contestants
71.4% 42 30-12 Pablo
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Results Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Leading Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 128 123-26
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
125 120-29
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
125 120-29
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
123 118-31
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
122 122-27
orangeknight 122 122-27
simpleton 122 122-27
vbfamily 121 121-28
dragon2owl 121 121-28
trainermch 120 120-29
llwambat 120 120-29
rnbarnes 120 120-29
vbcoach06 120 120-29
vbprisoner 119 119-30 @avid
119 119-30
krha 119 119-30
redcard🏐 119 119-30
teriheck3778 119 119-30
UofIlliniVBFan 119 119-30
utexrulz23 118 118-31
nuvbisno1 117 117-32
Kingsley 117 117-32
NubesPila 117 117-32
pavsec5row10 117 117-32
smartpatrol 117 117-32
vballfreak808 116 116-33
Fight On! 116 116-33
oldmanred 116 116-33
treblejig 115 115-34
bigfan 115 115-34
bprtbone 115 115-34
greenpier 115 115-34 @hodor
115 115-34
ilikecorn 115 115-34
thelat 115 115-34
vballfan17 115 115-34
vbsam16 114 114-35
smb4 114 114-35
ZenScout 113 113-36
HappyVolley 113 113-36
newfoundballer15 112 112-37
Gladys Kravitz 112 112-37
coloradokidd 112 112-37
JT 111 111-38
mhvolley6 111 111-38
vup 110 110-39
crosscourt3m 110 110-39
harryspotter 109 109-40
eazy 109 109-40
hornshouse23 109 109-40
maplespear 106 106-43
coahc21 104 104-45
willcmwb 102 102-47
photos1 101 101-28
b1gnetwerth 98 98-29
cindra 98 98-31
hoosierman 98 98-23
dillanbe 98 98-23
bayarea 96 96-31
volleyboy12 95 95-31
gopherhim 95 95-31
ned3vball 95 95-26
SmokeDogg 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 92 92-29
justintime2006 92 92-29
cyfan1965 91 91-30
carsonvega 89 84-22
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-21
vballvball 81 76-19
baytree (Week 5 winner)
78 78-25
beachindoor 74 74-21 @ruffda
70 70-25
sluggermatt15 63 63-36
odinaka 63 63-32 @eastsidepride
62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 51 51-24
gatorbob 41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 36 36-6
haw2991 32 32-10
catscratch 25 25-5 @thedarkhorse
24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
16 16-14
pin2pin 16 16-4
coconutcandles Highest % with at least 60% (Rounded up) participation 149 82.6% 128 123-26
psuvbfan10 (Week 6 winner)
149 81.9% 122 122-27
orangeknight 149 81.9% 122 122-27
simpleton 149 81.9% 122 122-27
vbfamily 149 81.2% 121 121-28
dragon2owl 149 81.2% 121 121-28
trainermch 121 81.0% 98 98-23
bayarea 121 81.0% 98 98-23
dillanbe 149 80.5% 125 120-29
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
149 80.5% 120 120-29
llwambat 149 80.5% 120 120-29
rnbarnes 149 80.5% 120 120-29
vbcoach06 149 80.5% 120 120-29
vbprisoner 149 80.5% 125 120-29
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
107 80.4% 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 107 80.4% 86 86-21
vballvball 95 80.0% 81 76-19
baytree (Week 5 winner)
149 79.9% 119 119-30 @avid
149 79.9% 119 119-30
krha 149 79.9% 119 119-30
redcard🏐 149 79.9% 119 119-30
teriheck3778 149 79.9% 119 119-30
UofIlliniVBFan 149 79.9% 119 119-30
utexrulz23 106 79.2% 89 84-22
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
149 79.2% 123 118-31
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
149 79.2% 118 118-31
nuvbisno1 149 78.5% 117 117-32
Kingsley 149 78.5% 117 117-32
NubesPila 149 78.5% 117 117-32
pavsec5row10 149 78.5% 117 117-32
smartpatrol 149 78.5% 117 117-32
vballfreak808 121 78.5% 95 95-26
SmokeDogg 129 78.3% 101 101-28
b1gnetwerth 95 77.9% 74 74-21 @ruffda
149 77.9% 116 116-33
Fight On! 149 77.9% 116 116-33
oldmanred 149 77.9% 116 116-33
treblejig 149 77.2% 115 115-34
bigfan 149 77.2% 115 115-34
bprtbone 149 77.2% 115 115-34
greenpier 149 77.2% 115 115-34 @hodor
149 77.2% 115 115-34
ilikecorn 149 77.2% 115 115-34
thelat 149 77.2% 115 115-34
vballfan17 149 77.2% 115 115-34
vbsam16 127 77.2% 98 98-29
cindra 149 76.5% 114 114-35
smb4 149 76.5% 114 114-35
ZenScout 121 76.0% 92 92-29
cyfan1965 121 76.0% 92 92-29
justintime2006 129 76.0% 98 98-31
hoosierman 149 75.8% 113 113-36
HappyVolley 149 75.8% 113 113-36
newfoundballer15 103 75.7% 78 78-25
beachindoor 127 75.6% 96 96-31
volleyboy12 126 75.4% 95 95-31
gopherhim 126 75.4% 95 95-31
ned3vball 121 75.2% 91 91-30
carsonvega 149 75.2% 112 112-37
Gladys Kravitz 149 75.2% 112 112-37
coloradokidd 149 75.2% 112 112-37
JT 123 74.8% 92 92-31
rainbowbadger 149 74.5% 111 111-38
mhvolley6 149 74.5% 111 111-38
vup 149 73.8% 110 110-39
crosscourt3m 149 73.8% 110 110-39
harryspotter 95 73.7% 70 70-25
sluggermatt15 149 73.2% 109 109-40
eazy 149 73.2% 109 109-40
hornshouse23 149 73.2% 109 109-40
maplespear 149 71.1% 106 106-43
coahc21 149 69.8% 104 104-45
willcmwb 149 68.5% 102 102-47
photos1 95 66.3% 63 63-32 @eastsidepride
99 63.6% 63 63-36
odinaka Cumulative Poll Scores 82.7% 139 115-24 VT Poll
81.3% 134 109-25 AVCA Poll
80.5% 149 120-29 VT Contestants
68.8% 16 11-5 Pablo
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Results Winner:
baytree 20/22
Week 6:
Entries; Winner:
psuvbfan10 19/20
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: Leading Cumulative PTW 2021 Scores: 108 103-26
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
108 103-26
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
106 106-23
orangeknight 106 106-23
simpleton 106 106-23
vbfamily 105 100-29
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
105 105-24
dragon2owl 105 105-24
trainermch 104 104-25
psuvbfan10 103 103-26
llwambat 103 103-26
rnbarnes 103 103-26
teriheck3778 103 103-26
vbcoach06 102 102-27 @avid
102 102-27
krha 102 102-27
pavsec5row10 102 102-27
redcard🏐 102 102-27
UofIlliniVBFan 102 102-27
utexrulz23 102 102-27
vballfreak808 102 102-27
vbprisoner 101 101-28
b1gnetwerth 101 101-28
Fight On! 101 101-28
ilikecorn 101 101-28
nuvbisno1 101 101-28
vbsam16 100 100-29
bigfan 100 100-29
smartpatrol 100 100-29
treblejig 99 99-30
greenpier 99 99-30
Kingsley 99 99-30
NubesPila 99 99-30
oldmanred 99 99-30
smb4 99 99-30
vballfan17 98 98-31
bprtbone 98 98-31 @hodor
98 98-31
hoosierman 98 98-31
ZenScout 97 97-32
harryspotter 97 97-32
thelat 96 96-33
Gladys Kravitz 96 96-33
HappyVolley 96 96-33
JT 96 96-33
newfoundballer15 96 96-33
vup 95 95-34
coloradokidd 95 95-34
crosscourt3m 95 95-34
eazy 95 95-34
hornshouse23 92 92-37
mhvolley6 92 92-37
willcmwb 91 91-38
maplespear 90 90-39
coahc21 89 84-22
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 86 86-43
photos1 86 86-21
vballvball 82 82-25
cindra 82 82-19
dillanbe 82 82-19
bayarea 80 80-27
volleyboy12 79 79-27
gopherhim 79 79-27
ned3vball 78 78-25
beachindoor 78 78-23
SmokeDogg 77 77-26
rainbowbadger 76 76-25
justintime2006 75 75-26
carsonvega 75 75-26
cyfan1965 66 61-14
baytree (Week 5 winner)
62 62-19
sdjohnson10 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 56 56-19 @ruffda
55 55-22
onlyPTWs 54 54-21
sluggermatt15 51 51-24
gatorbob 50 50-29
odinaka 45 45-30 @eastsidepride
41 41-12
toomuchvb 40 40-12 @mnvolleyballboi
38 38-11
Del Bocavista 25 25-5 @thedarkhorse
24 24-4
garnet04 24 24-4
kylewise1983 24 24-4
mnsports255 23 23-5
trianglevolleyball 23 23-7
VolleyballFella 22 22-6
gbuttah 21 21-9
rtael 19 19-7
1TXHusker 18 18-5 @madden54
18 18-4
haw2991 18 18-4
catscratch 16 16-14
pin2pin Highest % with at least 55% (Rounded up) participation 129 82.2% 106 106-23
orangeknight 129 82.2% 106 106-23
simpleton 129 82.2% 106 106-23
vbfamily 129 81.4% 105 105-24
dragon2owl 129 81.4% 105 105-24
trainermch 75 81.3% 66 61-14
baytree (Week 5 winner)
101 81.2% 82 82-19
dillanbe 101 81.2% 82 82-19
bayarea 129 80.6% 104 104-25
psuvbfan10 107 80.4% 86 86-21
B1Gminnesotafan 107 80.4% 86 86-21
vballvball 129 79.8% 108 103-26
kolohekeiki (Week 4 winner)
129 79.8% 108 103-26
vbshrink (Week 3 winner)
129 79.8% 103 103-26
llwambat 129 79.8% 103 103-26
rnbarnes 129 79.8% 103 103-26
teriheck3778 129 79.8% 103 103-26
vbcoach06 106 79.2% 89 84-22
permagrin (Week 1 winner)
129 79.1% 102 102-27 @avid
129 79.1% 102 102-27
krha 129 79.1% 102 102-27
pavsec5row10 129 79.1% 102 102-27
redcard🏐 129 79.1% 102 102-27
UofIlliniVBFan 129 79.1% 102 102-27
utexrulz23 129 79.1% 102 102-27
vballfreak808 129 79.1% 102 102-27
vbprisoner 129 78.3% 101 101-28
b1gnetwerth 129 78.3% 101 101-28
Fight On! 129 78.3% 101 101-28
ilikecorn 129 78.3% 101 101-28
nuvbisno1 129 78.3% 101 101-28
vbsam16 129 77.5% 105 100-29
c4ndlelight (Week 2 winner)
129 77.5% 100 100-29
bigfan 129 77.5% 100 100-29
smartpatrol 129 77.5% 100 100-29
treblejig 101 77.2% 78 78-23
SmokeDogg 129 76.7% 99 99-30
greenpier 129 76.7% 99 99-30
Kingsley 129 76.7% 99 99-30
NubesPila 129 76.7% 99 99-30
oldmanred 129 76.7% 99 99-30
smb4 129 76.7% 99 99-30
vballfan17 107 76.6% 82 82-25
cindra 81 76.5% 62 62-19
sdjohnson10 129 76.0% 98 98-31
bprtbone 129 76.0% 98 98-31 @hodor
129 76.0% 98 98-31
hoosierman 129 76.0% 98 98-31
ZenScout 103 75.7% 78 78-25
beachindoor 101 75.2% 76 76-25
justintime2006 129 75.2% 97 97-32
harryspotter 129 75.2% 97 97-32
thelat 76 75.0% 57 57-19
VolleyFanFL 107 74.8% 80 80-27
volleyboy12 103 74.8% 77 77-26
rainbowbadger 75 74.7% 56 56-19 @ruffda
106 74.5% 79 79-27
gopherhim 106 74.5% 79 79-27
ned3vball 129 74.4% 96 96-33
Gladys Kravitz 129 74.4% 96 96-33
HappyVolley 129 74.4% 96 96-33
JT 129 74.4% 96 96-33
newfoundballer15 129 74.4% 96 96-33
vup 101 74.3% 75 75-26
carsonvega 101 74.3% 75 75-26
cyfan1965 129 73.6% 95 95-34
coloradokidd 129 73.6% 95 95-34
crosscourt3m 129 73.6% 95 95-34
eazy 129 73.6% 95 95-34
hornshouse23 75 72.0% 54 54-21
sluggermatt15 77 71.4% 55 55-22
onlyPTWs 129 71.3% 92 92-37
mhvolley6 129 71.3% 92 92-37
willcmwb 129 70.5% 91 91-38
maplespear 129 69.8% 90 90-39
coahc21 75 68.0% 51 51-24
gatorbob 129 66.7% 86 86-43
photos1 79 63.3% 50 50-29
odinaka 75 60.0% 45 45-30 @eastsidepride
Cumulative Poll Scores 83.2% 99 99-20 VT Poll
81.6% 93 93-21 AVCA Poll
79.8% 103 103-26 VT Contestants
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Results Winner:
kolohekeiki 26/30
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
81.6% 80-98 VT Poll
79.8% 75-94 AVCA Poll
78.5% 84-107 VT Contestants
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Results Winner:
vbshrink 20/23
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
84.1% 58-69 VT Poll
81.5% 53-65 AVCA Poll
79.2% 61-77 VT Contestants
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Results Winner:
c4ndlelight 23/26
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Please note the links to find each week's entries and results.
All VT'ers are encouraged to post comments any time!
Results Winner:
permagrin 25/28
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11: